Baby boomers make up a significant portion of the population today, and as many of them are confronting retirement and realizing they do not have appropriate support behind them, this is redefining what it means to retire. There are approximately 76 million Baby Boomers coping with the impacts of the financial crisis as they prepare for or enter retirement.
The financial crisis decreased the value of their homes, and it cut into their net worth and savings. This means that the confidence carried out by baby boomers in achieving a satisfying retirement decreased significantly. Those are the results of a study commissioned by Bankers Life Center for a Secure Retirement. Less than 4 out of every 10 baby boomers are certain that they will be able to have a personally satisfying retirement. The study looks at how lack of confidence has changed the attitudes and behaviors regarding saving and investing, and how many of them are adapting to meet the new challenges.
Approximately 28% of Boomers are making more conservative investments, and 26% report that they no longer invest due to having weathered the most recent crisis. The Boomers who were surveyed also have decreased their expectations for complete financial independence in retirement. This study indicates that
-Only 19% expect to pay off their mortgage.
-34% expect to retire free of debt.
-16% believe they will have an inheritance to pass on to heirs.
-16% expect to have savings.
The percentage of Baby Boomers who expect to work part-time or full-time in retirement has increased from one-third to almost one-half since before the crisis. The new retirement often means working longer and reconsidering the amount of money they will need to support themselves in retirement.
If you have questions about how retirement planning and estate planning can work together, schedule a consultation with an experienced estate planning lawyer. A lawyer can walk you through how these issues often intersect, and the appropriate strategies and tactics you can use to protect yourself now and well into the future. With a lot on the line for your retirement, as well as your ability to pass on assets to your loved ones, taking action sooner rather than later is strongly recommended.