Today, estate planning attorneys are being contacted at record numbers to get assistance in putting together power of attorney documents or wills in the midst of the pandemic. If you are in a situation in which you feel compelled to quickly pull together your estate plan, it’s important to partner with a knowledgeable professional in the form of an estate planning lawyer. Certain suggestions can help you accomplish your goals more effectively than others.

One of the most important things you can do is to schedule a consultation with an experienced estate planning lawyer. An estate planning lawyer will have the necessary experience in understanding your state’s laws to be able to craft a legally valid document that takes into account the state and federal issues as well as your unique concerns when you approach your own estate plan.
There are many different questions that need to be answered and it is in your best interests to make sure that an attorney has helped you craft and review these documents to verify that they meet necessary rules and regulations.
Be wary of attempting to pull together a general estate plan or general estate plan documents, such as a will, on your own. While there are many online planning tools that can help give you the information to jumpstart this process, these should not be relied on as your only resource.
The second thing you can do to pull together your estate plan quickly is to create a valid will. It’s important that this document is created under the state laws of the area in which you reside. Some people believe that this can be a challenge with stay at home restrictions but you can contact your estate planning attorney to learn more about what you need to know and how you can jumpstart the process so that you do not miss out on the important opportunity to get your estate plan in line.
Scheduling a phone or Zoom consultation with your estate planning lawyer today is the necessary first step to give you peace of mind and to ensure that you are on track to create these documents that could become critically important now or in the future.