Planning Lessons from Mufasa

Over the past few years, Disney has been creating live-action versions of their animated hits. Most recently, one of my personal favorites, The Lion King premiered. Being one of the most iconic Disney movies of all time, there is no way I can miss a chance to see this movie with my kids. There are many life lessons the movie teaches you, like: the importance of being cautious and mindful of who you trust, the effects of losing a loved one, learning that lost loved ones will always be a part of you, and more. Among the many takeaways from this movie, there is certainly emphasis on one thing: the circle of life. We are born, we grow up, we grow old, and we pass on leaving our legacy behind us. When leaving our family behind us, we want to make sure that our loved ones can “Be Prepared” for their future. Family disputes, such as those between uncles and nephews, are all too common (one of the reasons Estate Litigators get paid so much!)

Just as life begins, it comes to an end, and when it does end, we want to be sure that everyone we hold dear to us about will be taken care of. “Hakuna Matata for the rest of your days” may not be 100% realistic, but your planning need not be difficult. I would be happy to help make your planning easier.

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