Think About More Than Just Money for Your Children’s Estate Planning

If you are thinking ahead about how you can support your minor children, you need to consider more than just the money. estate planning in NJ about more than money

Do you know what would happen to your minor children if you were to pass away unexpectedly? This is a difficult topic to think about, but it is also a crucial estate planning decision that is well worth making. The answer may seem obvious, depending on your individual situation.

If you and your partner were both to pass away, then the juvenile courts or domestic relations courts will get involved if you do not name a guardian for the minor child. However, if only one parent is lost, then the surviving parent would simply assume custody.

If the surviving parent is unfit, estranged or otherwise uninvolved, the answer could be more complex and it may require the appointment of a guardian on your child’s behalf. No matter what you choose, it is well worth having a conversation with an estate planning lawyer, who can walk you through various options available to you and help you find the right solution for your needs.


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