What Asset Protection Planning is Not

It has only been in the last decade or so that more individuals are realizing the serious benefits of asset protection planning. This is primarily due to the fact that more people in the U.S. see the litigious society and the serious risks that an individual could be exposed to with just one lawsuit. There are, thankfully, plenty of meaningful and effective asset protection planning strategies, but it’s also important to know what this process will not do for you. asset protection planning new jersey

You cannot use asset protection planning, for example, to avoid paying your taxes. In addition, this kind of planning is usually effective for protecting assets but not hiding them. Bear in mind that an asset you hide could ultimately be found, but one that has been protected is much more secure overall. Finally, an asset protection planning attorney does not engage in asset protection planning with a client under the guise of defrauding creditors.

This kind of planning is the most valuable when you engage in it long before you have an issue. Trying to get legal help in organizing things when a creditor is already attacking your personal assets is much like a day late and a dollar short. The most effective plans are those you have in place well before an issue occurs, and you need an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to help you get there. Do not hesitate to reach out to someone with experience in this field.



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