According to a recent study conducted by the American College of Financial Services, three out of four adults reaching retirement age failed a quiz on how to make their nest eggs last throughout their retirement.
Older Americans or those between the ages of 60 and 75, also indicated a lack of understanding about critical financial topics like paying for long term care expenses, investment considerations and different strategies that could help to sustain income over the course of retirement.
This is a particularly problematic study finding, given that approximately 10,000 baby boomers will be reaching age 65 single day over the course of the next 12 years. More Americans are facing retirement, but are doing so without clear knowledge about how to make this money last and what they need to have set aside when they begin the retirement process.
Many Americans, however, might not even know that they are simply unprepared for retirement. 61% of the respondents reported having high levels of knowledge about their retirement income, but only 33% of them passed the corresponding quiz. The survey found that there is a major divide when it comes to particular demographics as well.
Only 17% of women were able to pass the quiz when compared with 35% of men. 40% of those individuals who had at least a college degree passed this study as well. This divide underscores that it is so important for everyone to approach comprehensive estate and retirement planning.