During the holidays there is a good chance that your life is busier than ever so this might mean that you are looking at a massive to-do list. However, this is a great opportunity to reflect back on the previous year and think carefully about your to-do list as you approach retirement. What follows are several tips you need to keep in mind in order to be successful with this.
Examine Your Existing Retirement Planning Age
You might have thought previously about retiring at a particular age but now is a good time to take a step back and look at whether or not this is in line with your overall financial situation.
Be Aware of the Rules Associated with Retirement Plan Withdrawal
It is not enough to only recognize and set an intention for what you intend to withdraw from your retirement plan. You also need to know how much you have to withdraw. For example, after you turn age 70 and a half, you’ll need to begin taking money out of your traditional IRA as well as a 401(k). This is known as a required minimum distribution.
Put a Clear Price Tag on Your Lifestyle in Retirement
Do you want to stay at home pursuing hobbies or traveling the world during your retirement? Each of these can have a significant impact on the money you will need to support yourself.
Evaluate Your Healthcare Situation and Consider Long-term Care
Once you pass 65, you may be eligible for Medicare, but you also want to be familiar with what it does and does not cover in terms of your costs, so that you can set aside a healthcare budget on an annual basis. One service that Medicare doesn’t cover, or in the best case scenario, covers only in a small way is long term care. In the event that you’re looking at an extended stay inside a nursing home, this could be a major mistake.
Put Together Your Estate Planning
Your retirement to-do list should always include estate planning as well. You’ll want to work directly with an experienced estate planning attorney to ensure that all your bases are covered.