Tips for Choosing a Trustee

Don’t overlook the importance of selecting a proper trustee for your estate planning. Regardless of the type of trust you are planning to use, you need to ensure that you have selected an appropriate individual. In many cases, trustees have a great deal of power and authority and it is not a decision you should take lightly as a business owner or individual.

Tips for Choosing a Trustee
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The gut reaction for many people is to select a child as the trustee. There can be negative ramifications of doing this by dividing the family in the future or by giving authority to someone who hasn’t received the proper advice and education about it. Instead, you may want to give some thought to using a professional individual. Attorneys and accountants, for example, can serve as trustees. They are more likely to understand their responsibilities and bring unique experience to table, but it can be expensive. There are, however, many situations where asking a professional to take control simply makes sense.

As an estate planning client, you should be aware that you can give out powers for beneficiaries to revoke trustee powers and replace him or her. If the trustee is overbearingly restrictive on distributions, for example, the beneficiaries have some options. If there’s no removal power outlined in the trust and the trustee won’t step down, they may be headed to court. As the creator of the trust, you can even outline how often the beneficiaries can exert this power so that it’s not abused. To learn more about trust development and execution, email us at or contact us via phone at 732-521-9455.

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