How’s This for GRAT-itude? – Basics of the GRAT

As a recent article explains, a Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (“GRAT”) is a great estate-planning tool for high-net-worth individuals.  This type of irrevocable trust permits you to make a lifetime gift of assets to an irrevocable trust in exchange for a fixed payment stream for a specified term of years.

Often, individuals making large transfers to their beneficiaries choose to utilize GRATs because of associated tax benefits.

A key aspect of GRAT transfers is that they minimize or even eliminate estate and gift tax liability on the transferred assets. Moreover, the creator of a GRAT may receive fixed annual payments for the life of the trust. Through receiving this annuity, the creator is paid back his or her principal, as well as interest. After the trust term has concluded, the remainder of the trust passes to the trust beneficiaries.

When setting up a GRAT, it is important to carefully select a trust term. If the trust term ends while the creator is still alive, the remaining assets will be included as part of his or her gross estate for purposes of determining estate tax liability. Those who anticipate outliving the trust term of their GRAT should consider employing a life insurance strategy to offset any additional tax liabilities.

Those who wish to set up a GRAT should act quickly because the Obama administration may soon eliminate the tax benefits that a GRAT strategy would reap as proposed in the President’s latest Green book proposals.

When You Lose Trust in the Trustee: How A Beneficiary Can Enforce A Trust

As a recent article explains, sometimes trustees do not do what they are supposed to. Sometimes trustees make mistakes in carrying out their duties while other times, they knowingly fail to comply with the terms of the trust. If you are the beneficiary of a trust, there may be some things you can do to ensure that the trustee follows the terms of the trust.

Because a trust is created by a legal document, each trust contains rights and duties that are legally enforceable. If a trustee has not followed the terms of the trust, he or she is considered to be in breach of his or her duties. There are several steps a beneficiary should take when he or she believes that the trustee of his or her trust is in breach.

The first step that a beneficiary should take is to review the trust documents. The beneficiary should be certain of what the terms of the trust are before he or she confronts the trustee concerning an alleged breach. Often, discrepancies over the behavior of a trustee are based on misunderstandings about what the trust documents actually say.

If you have consulted the trust documents and still believe that your trustee is in breach of his or her duties, speak with the trustee first. A majority of trust issues can be resolved through proper communication. If communication does not solve your problem, review the trust document to determine what the procedure for replacing trustees is. Although each trust is different, many trusts contain a provision that allows for the relatively easy replacement of a trustee.