Does it Really Take a Year to Settle an Estate?

Understanding how long it could possibly take to settle an estate is an important issue that must be taken under consideration by anyone who is chosen to serve in the role of personal representative. A personal representative could even be held accountable for issues of personal liability if he or she is not careful in the way that they approach this individual role. 

Real estate agent working in the office and piles of paperwork, model house on the foreground and mortgage loan documentation

The support of an experienced estate administration or probate administration attorney is recommended for anyone appointed as a personal representative. Before you name your own personal representative, you should inform this individual about the responsibilities associated with it and the potential issues that he or she might face when handling the end of an estate.

Closing out an estate requires many different administrative duties and some of these can be overwhelming or confusing without the insight of an attorney. When there are many different assets included inside an estate, even if appropriate estate planning has been done, there are many different aspects of closing out an estate and verifying that all relevant issues have been addressed. This includes creating an inventory of all of the assets, reviewing the necessary documents, notifying creditors, paying off taxes and then distributing the remaining assets to the loved ones. A proposed executor will also have to file all necessary paperwork and ensure that the relevant details have been recorded appropriately. If he or she fails to do so or is accused of violating existing laws, that person could be held personally accountable. You deserve to have the insight of an attorney who is thoroughly experienced in this area of the law, and who can advise you about what to anticipate so that you can minimize the personal representative’s issues and concerns about serving in such a role. A personal representative is an important role, but it is also one that must be handled with careful detail and organization. A person chosen to serve in this particular capacity must be comfortable with doing so.     

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