Five Reasons to Do Estate Planning Now

While there are numerous reasons that you should consider protecting your estate, there are five primary reasons that you should communicate with an estate planning attorney planning NJ

Protect Beneficiaries

An estate plan can be used to protect both adult and minor beneficiaries from negative outside influences, creditor issues, and bad decisions. It is particularly important to remember to appoint a guardian if you are listing a child as a beneficiary. Using an estate plan helps you defray legal expenses and avoid personal arguments between family members.

Avoid Probate

One of the most common reasons for engaging in the estate planning process is to avoid probate. Although many people don’t have a great deal of actual experience in dealing with a probate process, they understand the benefits of avoiding it. Using an estate plan helps you not only avoid probate, but several other common mistakes and pitfalls associated with estate planning.

Avoid Messy Confrontation

An attorney’s insight can help you tremendously throughout the estate planning process. Separate beneficiaries, family members, and business partners can often spend a large amount of time arguing over assets and possessions if the appropriate documents have not been put together beforehand.

Lower Estate Taxes

Many individuals are realizing the potential influence of state and federal estate taxes on the wealth they have worked so hard to build. Some basic estate planning, however, can help you protect these assets for future generations and also minimize the impact of estate taxes.

Avoid Unforeseen Creditor Predators

Asset protection planning is another important component of estate planning. It is too late to consider entering the asset protection planning process once a creditor has already emerged to threaten your personal asset. Instead, you need to conduct this well in advance by using strategies and tools recommended by an experienced New Jersey estate planning attorney. Contact an attorney to learn more about how asset protection strategies can help you now and in the long run. Reach out to for more information.


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